Astronomy Picture of the Day
March 16, 2015

In Loving Memory (Title: 'Beyond the Midst')
In Loving Memory (Title: 'Beyond the Midst')

Credits: Roberto Tremolada

Today, now four years ago, my beloved Father, Dr Ugo Fienga, died, after a long and debilitating disease that consumed him for over five years. He was born in Salerno, on June, 6th, 1926.

Today, March 16, 2015, is raining over the town where I live, just like it did, four years ago, when my Father passed away.

I look around, and then I look inside myself and, sometimes, I think I can still find some Joy and Peace, while I am thinking about the days that my Father and I spent together. But one day, He already knew then, and I do know now, everything will become like ashes, and the Winds of Time shall sweep everything away, including us, our Memories, our Dreams and, God willing, our Sins too.

May God give rest to my Dad's Soul. Amen

Dr Paolo C. Fienga (PhD)


"...Omnia fert Aetas: animum quoque..."


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