Today's APOD is an Extra Detail Magnification (or "EDM", for short) obtained from yesterday's Contextual Image (or "CTX Frame", for short) of the Dwarf Planet 1-Ceres; the frame was taken by the NASA - Dawn Spacecraft on December, 20, 2015, and, in this EDM, we can clearly see a truly Complex Double Impact Crater that is located in an highly cratered portion of 1-Ceres' Southern Hemisphere. The original image was centered at approx. 46° South Latitude and 101° East Longitude; it was taken during the NASA - Dawn Spacecraft's Low-Altitude Mapping Orbit (or "LAMO", for short), from a distance of approx. 240 miles (such as about 386,2416 Km) from the Surface, and with a resolution of roughly 120 feet (such as about 36,576 meters) per pixel. This image (which is a crop obtained from an Original NASA - Dawn Spacecraft's b/w and NON Map-Projected frame published on the NASA - Planetary Photojournal with the ID n. PIA 20301 - DAWN LAMO Image n. 11) |