This is an Extra Detail Magnification (or "EDM", for short) obtained from yesterday's simply beautiful picture (which is, in fact, an Image-Mosaic of several frames obtained by the NASA - Dawn Spacecraft) that shows us the so-far unexplainable (from a Geological and Chemical point of view) Bright Spot located near the center of Occator Crater and which is shown here in Absolute Natural Colors. Also the yellowish Striations - extremely well visible right on top of the Bright Spot - are a mistery. Such kind of views can (also/among other things) be used to highlight subtle color differences of 1-Ceres' Surface. However, the - apparently (of course in our humble opinion, as IPF) - continuous modifications, in shape, morphology and consistency, of the aforementioned White Spots, is another mistery of this - always - fascinating, and truly hard to understand, Dwarf-Planet. This frame (which is a sub-crop obtained from an Original NASA - Dawn Spacecraft's falsely colored and NON Map-Projected image-mosaic published on the NASA - Planetary Photojournal with the ID n. PIA 20355) |