This is an Extra Detail Magnification (or "EDM", for short) obtained from yesterday's extremely clear Contextual Image (or "CTX Frame", for short) of the Dwarf Planet 1-Ceres, taken by the NASA - Dawn Spacecraft on February, 12th, 2016, that showed us a large portion of the really ancient and unusually-looking Cerean Impact Crater known as Ninsar Crater, which is located in the Northern Hemisphere of this fascinating Dwarf-Planet. Ninsar Crater was so named after a Sumerian Goddess of plants and vegetation. In this EDM we can see a very smooth (South-Eastern facing) portion of the Inner Slopes of the Crater (that also show White "Striations" of some kind) while, everywhere else, said Slopes look quite uneven. The cause of such a Geological Phenomenon that affected only one (small) portion of Ninsar Crater is still a mistery. The Original View was centered at approximately 30° North Latitude and 265° East Longitude. The NASA - Dawn Spacecraft captured the scene during its Low-Altitude Mapping Orbit (or "LAMO", for short), from an approx. altitude of 240 miles (such as about 386,2416 Km) above the Surface of 1-Ceres. The Image Resolution is roughly 120 feet (i.e. about 36,576 meters) per pixel (---> Picture Element). This image (which is a crop obtained from an Original NASA - Dawn Spacecraft's b/w and NON Map-Projected frame published on the NASA - Planetary Photojournal with the ID n. PIA 20558 - DAWN LAMO Image n. 63) |