Astronomy Picture of the Day
July 4, 2012

In the Rings (Part I)
In the Rings (Part I)

Credits: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute - Credits for the additional process.: Dr Gianluigi Barca/Lunar Explorer Italia/IPF

Once (actually, only a few decades ago...), we used to think that the Rings of the Gas-Giant Planet Saturn were something unique in the Universe. Now, after we have seen Rings and/or Ring-Arcs and Ringlets around each and every one of the other three Gas-Giant Planets Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, we do know that the Rings of Saturn are just the Most Extensive (---> i.e.: the Widest) Planetary Ring System in the Solar System. The Rings of Saturn - according to the majority of the Planetary Scientists - mostly consist of countless, small particles of Ice and Dust (ranging, in size, from micrometres to a few metres), which orbit around Saturn. As a matter of fact, the Ring Particles are made almost entirely of Water Ice, with some contamination from Dust and - maybe - other (minor) Elements.

As everybody should know, although reflection from the Rings increases the brightness of Saturn, the Rings themselves are not visible from Earth with unaided vision. In the AD 1610, however (such as one year after the Italian Astronomer Galileo Galilei first turned a telescope to the Sky), the Rings of Saturn appeared in all their beauty and Galileo Galilei became the very first person to observe them, even though he could not see them well enough to discern their true nature. Afterwards, in the AD 1655, the Dutch Mathematician and Astronomer Christiaan Huygens was the first one to describe them as a Disk made by (some kind of) Material surrounding (---> orbiting around) Saturn.

Although many people still believe that the Rings of Saturn are made by a series of tiny Ringlets (a concept that goes back to Laplace), it is way more correct to think of them (like some NASA Scientists recently suggested) as an Annular Disk with concentric Local Maxima and Minima in both Density and Brightness. The Rings have numerous Gaps where the Particles' Density drops sharply: two of these Gaps opened because of the action of small (and known) really small moons which are actually "embedded" within them, while many others are located in specific places where the Tidal Forces exercized by (resonating) Saturnian moons create a phenomenon of Gravitational Destabilization of entire regions of the Rings themselves. Stabilizing resonances, on the other hand, can be considered responsible for the stability (and longevity) of several Rings (think about, for instance, to the Titanian Ringlet and the G-Ring). Well beyond the Main Rings, there is the so-called "Phoebe Ring", which is tilted at an angle of 27° as to the other Rings and, just like Phoebe, orbits in a Retrograde fashion.

Furthermore, and just out of Intellectual Curiosity, we wish to highlight that we believe, as IPF, after we examined (in extreme detail) several hundreds of close-up pictures of the Rings which were all obtained during the last Saturnian Equinox, that there should (and could well) be a few (relatively wide) Regions of the Rings themselves that are NOT made by Orbiting Ice and Dust Particles, but rather by orbiting "Pavings", such as by Aggregated Particles of Ring Material that, since they were positioned/located in specific regions within the Rings where they neither did nor do suffer any - or, maybe, just a negligible - Tidal Stress, in time joined together and formed something like "Floating Rocky Slates" (which means, in other words, the "flat" equivalent of a so-called "rubble-pile" Asteroid).

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