Astronomy Picture of the Day
February 6, 2012

Mineral Diversity at Gusev Crater
Mineral Diversity at Gusev Crater

Credits: NASA/JPL/Cornell/USGS - MER Spirit - Credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Gianluigi Barca/Lunar Explorer Italia/IPF

In this frame, one beautiful example of the so-called "Mineral Diversity", such as the presence, in the same area (usually, a relatively small area), of a number of different Minerals, each having a different color. Unfortunately, it is not very easy to find pictures of the Martian Surface that show colors and details like this one, but it is normal: "officially", Mars is a substantially monochromatic Planet.

Of course, we can see, sometimes, subtle (REALLY subtle...) color differences in the NASA-processed frames, but the prevailing colors of each and every picture (either Orbital, or taken from the Surface) are always the same: yellow, orange with some brown and, where ice is present, some white.

And why is this? 

It is because, as our NASA Friends explained many times, a human eye, if a human being were there, looking around, would see nothing but that! Well, we, as IPF, always very respectfully, have to disagree with that unfortunate and "colorblind" vision. We disagree and we wish to propose you, even today, a sample of what we think a human being would really see if he were there, near the NASA - Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Spirit, looking around: a VERY colourful landscape, where the most recurrent colors would be, as a matter of fact, yellow, brown/orange and white. But, with them, we should also see some green and blue Pebbles and Dust, gray and black Boulders and Volcanic Rocks, pale orange and pink Sand and, probably, a lot more.

This is just our informed opinion, of course, and we do not know if it is one-hundred-per-cent correct but... We think so!...

This frame was taken by the Navigation Camera (NavCam) of NASA Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Spirit during its 976th Martian Day (or Sol) of exploration of the Martian Region known as Gusev Crater.

It has been colorized in Natural Colors (such as the colors that a perfect human eye would actually perceive if someone were near the NASA Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Spirit and then looked down, towards the deep Track left by MER itself during its transit, by using an original technique created - and, in time, dramatically improved - by the Lunar Explorer Italia Team.

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